Xanax and Frappucinos

I'm thinking back quite a few years and remembering that Xanax and Frappucinos make an interesting mix. I was really stressed out because I was taking this General Chemistry class and I purposely signed up with a professor known as Dr. Pepperdine. I was very impressed he had a Ph.D and he had a reputation for moving students along into professional programs. Anyhoo, I was a gifted student in his class. I mean, really, who else gets a 14% on their midterm??!! Impressive, huh? Well, I came to the tough realization that I was going to need to drop the class, despite losing the money for it because I couldn't afford to have the grade on my transcript. I'm sorry, but I had important things to attend to during that time like watching Friends, Mad About You and ER. It was the early 90's - give me a break.
So, the weekend came and I was a mess - so stressed and disappointed. Well, long story short my doctor gave me a xanax to help ease my anxiety but I made the stupid mistake of drinking a coffee after it. Talk about an oxymoron. First I was tired but then I was excited then I got tired again then I got excited and on and on.

Well, let's just say I slept for a long time after that wore off, never took another xanax, swore off coffee for 15 years, never took chemistry again and ended up at cooking school.


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