I'm Back

Well, I'm back! Not necessarily back in the saddle, but back nonetheless! I'm still walking in sort of a foggy daze after viewing complete poverty and then coming home to rich America.
What a sobering reality.

I love Oaxaca, it is a beautiful, raw region of Mexico down the Pacific Coast near Guatemala. We were at an elevation of 12,000 feet so the untouched area was amazing. We were able to visit some ancient Mayan ruins outside of the city and it made me wonder how in the world humans could ever concoct such a thing. The history of the region blew my mind.
I met beautiful, humble people. Pastors burdened for the many communities that lean toward violence as conflict resolution. Wonderful friends made, current relationships deepened and an overall sense of being where God wanted me to be. Depsite some hard days and trying to define my role in a clear manner, God's peace and the prayers of others carried me through. All this to say, I love the hold God has on my heart for medical missions. I pray it only grows. I pray the medications given and the lives touched bless the dear Oaxacan people for a very long time. I pray the lasting fragrance of Christ will permeate communities and people's heart.

For He alone is worthy of all our praise...


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