Going Gorgeously Green - Julia Roberts Style

Many have read or at least heard of the book called "Gorgeously Green, 8 Simple Steps to an Earth-Friendly Life." It is a must read, in my book (no pun intended!) I found it to be really inspiring and educational on how to live more consciously. The fact that Julia Roberts wrote the foreward sealed the deal for me! My sistah from anotha mistah loved it so much she bought several copies so she could start a book club with it.
The title pretty much sums up the book. It provides an insane amount of ways to reduce your carbon footprint in your personal care, your home, and your community. Just a warning for the faint of heart, there is section detailing green, er um, shall we say, "sexual enhancement" products. You are on your own with that territory!
I don't wear make-up but for those who do the book has some excellent options for natural products minus all the paraben crap most cosmetics contain.
Personally, I'm a Burt and Tom girl. Burt's Bees and Tom's products work for me because not only are they an excellent product, they are fairly inexpensive. Also, I like this company called "Yes to Carrots." I use their night face cream. Smells great, not greasy - pretty simple AND I can pronounce all the ingredients on the label. I think the rule of thumb is if you can't read the ingredients you shouldn't be using it.

Check it out - super cheap from Amazon. Remember going green isn't just for St. Patrick's Day anymore :) Sorry, couldn't resist!


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