Another year of harvest festivals under our belt. This year found us at Heiser Farms, a place in the middle of beautiful vineyards located in the heart of the Willamette Valley. This is Jaimey standing in awe at the "pumpkin cannons." If you can believe it this farm features an "attraction" called pumpkin cannons in which they literally shoot pumpkins out of this huge hydraulic - type piece of machinery and launch them into things like old cars, mobile homes and RVs. Personally I think it is way too violent! Also I think it totally takes away from the flavor of a true, old time pumpkin patch! But, that's just me. Other people love it so whatever floats your boat, I guess.
We took a hayride out to the patch in which our search for the perfect gourd began. I love all the really knobby, gnarly looking ones. Lots of bumps, varied colors and shapes all add to the intrigue of an original pumpkin. Jaimey and Will stuck with the very traditional which actually will be great for carving.
Lots of good smells (yes, even the petting zoo!) were to be found. As always, that sticky sweet smell of freshly popped kettle corn, fragrant apple cider donuts and all the funsy fall treats that accompany such venues. Let no man be deceived, these places are a racket - everything costs a ridiculous amount of money. We did good though, just bought pumpkins (this time!)
Fortunately they had a great petting zoo. Unfortunately the pot bellied pig at the petting zoo was named Will.

Perfect patch weather, wouldn't you say? I have a few patches I still want to check out so I'm on a mission. I want to grasp every inch of fall I can so that I don't feel like it passed me by with never a glance.
Saturday found us in Portland Pearl District again. Another gorgeous day to be out and about at our favorite haunts (no halloween pun intended!) We have a routine. We visit our favorite bookstore (world's largest) in which I take a notebook and write down all the titles I am interested in. Then I check them out at the library. Is that cheating?? Wish I could say it was actually economical but by the time I pay my late fines and parking tickets, buying the book probably would be the cheaper way to go.
Perfect patch weather, wouldn't you say? I have a few patches I still want to check out so I'm on a mission. I want to grasp every inch of fall I can so that I don't feel like it passed me by with never a glance.
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