17 Years

On September 3rd Ray and I 'acknowledged' our anniversary - 17 years of wedded trial and error bliss.  I say 'acknowledged' because our plans for going out were fully thwarted by a failure to communicate.  Perhaps I am to blame...perhaps... although I'm not taking full responsibility for our date's demise.

We have rescheduled for NEXT Friday and just to be safe, I wrote it on the calendar.

So, because our weekend has been unusually packed with Oregon Duck's First Game of the Season commitments, Ray and I weren't able to really carve out a lot of time to catch up.  Behold the power of walking 8.5 miles (with weights I might add) together.  It was a free date and gave us time to laugh, make fun of each other, covet other people's houses (me) lust after boats for sale (ray), talk sass about our kids and reward ourselves with Starbucks when we finished.

Who knew we would have so much fun?  You don't always need the big stuff to make memories!  

1994 - Sorry for the blurry image, I can't seem to clear it up
August 2011
Happy Anniversary Ray!


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