Weird Crazy Tie Guy

I don't know what it is but I find men who wear themed ties a bit disturbing.

Apparently today is "May the Fourth be With You" day which means wearing anything related to Star Wars is not only welcomed, but highly encouraged.

This is the hard part.  The person wearing this tie is none other than my husband.  Let it be known, I have chosen to be unmarried today and I think I'm perfectly justified in my decision. 

Ray calls his Darth Vader tie 'circa 1995 retro.'  He informed me he has nothing to lose in wearing said tie.  Um OK, apparently your pride means nothing to you. 

 I texted him this afternoon, curious at people's responses and general harrassment he received for being so geeky.  Unfortunately he told me everyone had only compliments for him.  Figures.  I think he was lying. I would believe him if he said he was at a Star Wars convention in Vegas or something.  

Don't even get me started on the Flintstones tie he bought on our honeymoon...


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