Whole Paycheck...

is how I describe Whole Foods. Unfortunately my new job is within a 2 block walking distance to said store. This is bad. Very bad. Most recently I chose some artichoke spinach dinner to have with dinner. It was bomb but it was also 5 bucks. But let me tell you, after I grilled some baguette bread with olive oil and slathered that dip all over pieces of it, I temporarily forgot my grocery budget. Don't get me started on their olive bar, roasted tomatoes, organic salami, artisan bread and Irish cheese selections. Basically, dinner every night is antipasto platters. However, before you judge me please bear in mind I have found some items cheaper at Whole Paycheck than at discount grocery chains. One evening I purchased everything to prepare a meal for only 3.00. Granted it was a box of mac n cheese but still.... I kid, I kid. It was actually Malt Balls. Speaking of malt balls, Whole Paycheck sells chocolate peanut butter malt balls at the low, low cost of 10 bucks per pound. In a effort to be cost effective I buy 3 of them at a time but scrape the chocolate off with my teeth first to help decrease the weight. So far they haven't caught on to my little scheme. So if you find me parked on the side of the freeway out of gas because I had no money to fill my tank, rest assured my gas money went to a good cause...


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