Things I Feel Pretty Confident About....

I will always love the color red. I will always love culinary jewelry. I will most likely always have a shitty retirement plan AKA none. I will constantly compare myself to others. I will always covet other women's boots. I will always pay my electric bill late. I will always relieve stress by scrubbing the kitchen sink. I will always worry about my children. I will always compare other people's successes with my failures. I will always want a red front door. I will always crave Reeses Peanut Butter Cups. I will always buy my children way too much ice cream. I will always regret being way behind in their scrapbooks. I will always love to read medical autobiographies. I will always love Land Rovers. I will never clean under the beds as much as I should or under the couch cushions for that matter. I will always want to be a food/travel writer for Sunset magazine. I will always love Starbucks coffee and independent bookstores. I will always regret past mistakes. I will always love pie and cookies. I will always love the couch, popcorn, blankets and movies with my family. I will always quit jobs I hate unless I get fired first. I will always a be a liberal. I will always struggle with knitting.


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