On Saturday I took a leap of faith and tried to find new jeans. Let's just say the holidays and Scotland in no way helped the idea of weight loss. What can I say? It was cold outside. And then there was that snow storm.... Consequently I have been finding myself resorting to yoga pants. Even though I haven't been practicing yoga and feel like a hypocrite, I am finding that stretchy waist band a bit more kind. "The universe continually expands, including my ass." I wasn't excited about this search. As an almost 43 year old, searching for jeans isn't on my list of favorites. 10 years have almost passed since I gave birth to Will and I don't think I can keep pulling the post partum card. Plus, I am still eating like I am training for a marathon, which by the way, I completed a year and a half ago. In other words, a long time ago. Off to Goodwill. I tried on approximately 15 pairs of pants. Out of 15? One pair fit. Actually, let me clarify. I found 2 pairs that fit but then I discovered one of the pairs were actually men's jeans. I tried every size from a 4 to a 14. I would find some size 4's to be too big while some size 14's, too tight. Perhaps this is why all of the pants were at Goodwill in the first place. I guess I need to let go of the fact that my body doesn't work with 'Seven', 'True Religion' and 'Lucky' brand jeans, much to my chagrin. And unless I was willing to admit that, yes, crack actually does kill, I was sunk. Enter the mom jeans. Before you faint, don't worry. They aren't the Lee elastic waistband saggy ass jeans. It is much worse. They are labeled "Ultra Stretch" and they are made by J Jill. Sadly, they are the most comfortable pants ever because of the higher stretchy waist. I know, it's completely scandalous and it's obvious I'm living La Vida Loca but truth is, I'm not getting any younger. Regardless, I love them and paired with the brand new pair of Nine West boots found for 8 bucks I might actually be able to go out in public with my kids. At least they aren't yoga pants....


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