What I'm Into - September Edition
Fall continues to descend on the Pacific Northwest in gentle, yet palpable ways. Mornings are crisp and clear, with a hint of fog hovering over the nearby lake. Days warm up briefly and then settle into earlier sun settings and our beds are requiring an extra quilt at night.
Meanwhile I continue to embrace it. I open the windows for the fleeting rays of sun and warmth only to close them after a few hours because the heat wants to kick on.
As seasons change I find myself reaching for books and tea more often, writing a bit more in the mornings with coffee and assembling text books for some fall classes I've enrolled in.
Without further ado....
Here's what I'm READING:
I love this author and only recently discovered her. My tip for finding new reading material? I go to Target and Costco, write down books that look interesting and then order them from my local library.
I'm having a hard time putting this one down and read 3/4 of it yesterday as I was recovering from a biopsy I had in the 'land down under.'
"....a heartrending novel about motherhood, resilience, and faith - a ripped- from- the- headlines story of two families on both sides of the American border."
Another suspense book that threatened to keep me up all night. Set in England, this is a doozy of a book filled with twists and turns as a group of old friends attend a bridal shower in a house in the middle of nowhere. No one is who they seem...mwmahahaha.
I haven't got on board with the PSL from Starbucks yet, although I'm hearing if you order one you should get 1/2 pump pumpkin and half pump chai. This is coming from an Sbux manager so do with it as you will.
While fueling myself with coffee I'm trying to finish a few classes I'm missing.
One is a religion course - the churching of America to be specific so I'm certain I'll be all fired up and bothered by the rampant misinterpretation of Christianity and how us, as Christians, threaten the very nature of the gospel with our so called holiness.
OK, off soapbox. Sheesh. Also, I seriously need to take a grammar and punctuation class.
What is new at HOME
This is big in the house right now. We have one now possibly two broody hens. Broody meaning essentially 'in heat' but we have no rooster so my dear friend has played our surrogate by providing fertilized eggs for our girl to hatch. She couldn't be happier and we are 18 ish days from hatching.
Here's hoping for healthy babes. |
My friend Steph has these gorgeous pumpkins in her garden right now and since I'm on a quest for the cutest pumpkins, I had to take a photo. |
The latest season (5) of Portlandia is streaming on Netflix right now. Lucky and I watched it all in an entire sitting.
I know I may come under fire for this but this season wasn't as good as the previous, in our opinion.
*ducks blow to the head from fellow fans*
Sorry guys but James Spader is my hero. I totally want him on my side in the event of an emergency. Have you watched The Blacklist yet? Season 2 is streaming as well so get on it. Lucky and I spent a rainy weekend devouring it because that's how we party.
What's on the STEREO:
Oh yes I did. I'm a closet H and O fan, but today I'm outing myself.
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