What I'm Into - November
So it's no secret I've been accomplishing a bunch of nothing over the past 3 weeks. My motivation has been classified as extinct, I'm certain.
I love to pet sit. I have a small, faithful clientele who love to travel. So when the owners are off to lovely places like Disneyland and Europe I am picking up their dog's poop. Pretty glamorous, right?
Hey, I'm not going to argue. Where else can I get paid for watching a dog nap and cuddling them while I watch TV from the comfort of my own home? That's what I thought. No. Where! Plus, it pays for my Starbucks habit and ALL THOSE RED CUPS! I do recycle.
Today I'm sharing my November edition of....drum roll please....what I'm into this month. This actually gives me yet another excuse to talk about myself so that's cool.
I loved this book but was glad for the trigger warnings before I started it. The book is super emotional so let that be a warning to you. I read it in two days despite it all.

I also tried reading Elizabeth Gilbert's latest, Big Magic but I couldn't make it past chapter 4.
Seriously? What took me so long to get on board with this phenomenal series? I watched all 5 seasons in like 5 days and EVEN got my husband addicted. No pun intended. Right now it's streaming on Netflix.

I watched this in like 2 days. Thankfully Season 2 is coming out next year. This is a Netflix original series which I can appreciate. All I can say is, I'm glad I don't have the kind of family like this one! #watchyourback

What's In My Fridge:
Oh my yes. If you have the chance to try this, please do. Moonstruck is based out of Portland so I'm not sure if it's readily available but it's worth hunting it down. So creamy and rich and I admit, I drank it straight from the carton and didn't share it. With anyone.

What I'm Living In:
My wardrobe and personal style suck. Big time. Hunter Boots however, do not. Lucky bought these for me and I have lived in them ever since. In Oregon, owning rain boots is a no brainer. Literally in the rainy season I wear them every day. I also have a pair of green ones that I reserve for my outside chores. They are spendy but they last forever. In my opinion, Hunter brand is the best. They are made in the United Kingdom and trust me, they know rain so there ya go.

What are you enjoying this November? I would love to hear!
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